“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10)
Opportunities to Serve
Outreach & Assistance
- Mentoring a college student
- Contacting college students via phone or email
- Getting involved with CFiA, our UW-Madison registered student organization
- Helping at our Welcome Desk
- Going on a student mission trip
- Working with our Welcome Team
- Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) classes or ESL Bible classes
- Meeting for casual conversation with an ESL student
- Helping with or hosting an international luncheon
- Assisting with Chapel publicity
- Writing for birthday and visitor postcards
- Showing the love of Jesus to others as part of the Chapel Care Team
Contact: Bethany Brewster (bethany@wlchapel.org)
Christian Growth
- Teaching or helping with Sunday School or other children’s events
- Attending or facilitating a Life Group
- Working in the Chapel library
- Writing devotions
Contact: Bethany Brewster (bethany@wlchapel.org)
Events & Fellowship
- Cooking or baking for Triple Dollar Dinner and other events
- Helping with fellowship meals or Sunday morning treats
- Planning social events or volunteer activities
- Serving with other Chapel volunteers at River Food Pantry
- Photographing Chapel activities
Contact: Bethany Brewster (bethany@wlchapel.org)
- Ushering during worship services
- Reading scripture during worship
- Helping with communion setup or cleanup
- Decorating for festivals and special events
- Operating audio/video/livestream systems during worship
- Serving on the Prayer Team
Contact: Steve Pelischek (stevepeli@wlchapel.org)
- Singing (choir, solo, or ensemble)
- Playing an instrument (accompanying, solo, or ensemble)
- Painting, drawing, or graphic design
- Joining the Drama Team
Contact: Steve Pelischek (stevepeli@wlchapel.org)
- Periodic light cleaning/restocking supplies
- Helping on group cleanup days
- Routine light maintenance
- Serving on the Properties Team
Contact: Chapel Office (wlchapel@wlchapel.org)
- Assisting with computer network administration
- Helping maintain audio/visual equipment
- Helping with computer hardware/software support
- Providing technical support to Chapel office staff and students
- Helping keep website content current
Contact: Matt Zuhlke (mattz@wlchapel.org)
Advancement & Presentations
- Thanking donors via telephone
- Writing personal “thank you” notes
- Making presentations about campus ministry and Chapel
Contact: Chapel Office (wlchapel@wlchapel.org)
And More…
Do you have a special talent or skill that you’d like to use to serve Jesus in Chapel’s ministry? Let us know via our online Opportunities to Serve form.